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- Jim Padgett (Credit Manager)

"...I have used several of the leading accounting and credit software packages and nothing comes close to Credit Strategy for providing quick and easy solutions for managing collection and reconciliation activity..."

- Debbie Sorenson (Director, Finance Shared Services)

"Debbie Sorenson (Director, Finance Shared Services, Kone Inc.) states, "I found in Credit Strategy a user-friendly, cost efficient and customizable program that complimented and partnered with our vision to provide users with an improved accounts receivable management tool. This program significantly reduced administrative costs associated with generating internal and external customer letters and forms, while increasing data integrity and accuracy. The flexibility of customization provided the opportunity to implement strategic processes, targeted at, meeting and exceeding internal and external customer expectations. These key areas include streamlined documentation of invoice notes, collection reason codes, refined management of creating and tracking of disputes, and payment promises. In today's fast paced, ever changing environment, businesses need solutions and tools that increase visibility of key performance indicators to swiftly implement corrective actions, maximize resource efficiency, and assist in meeting financial goals and objectives. The Credit Strategy team was professional, easy to work with, and clearly met our business objectives". "

- Jose Abraham (IT Manager)

"The Credit Strategy installation and mapping to our legacy system was simple and effective. Credit Strategy's overall use of Object Oriented technology and standard ODBC drivers made it a cost-effective choice from an IT perspective. Subsequent changes made to enhance the application were simple to implement, with a minimal amount of time invested from our Systems Programmer.

The cost to build the same functionality into our legacy systems would have been three times higher and five times higher in time to implement. I recommend this product as a viable option."


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800 329 6226 ext 195 (USA)

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Credit Strategy offers Collection Software, Deduction Software and Credit Software. Collection Management, Deduction Management and Credit Management systems are offered as individual modules or seamlessly integrated to work as one credit system.